Cell:  076 720 7166

Tel:   012 548 5746

Fax to E-mail:  Jenira:  086 590 5552




STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Contact us by telephonic, email ,sms, whattapp to arrange for an appointment


We are situated in  875 Besembiesie Street, Montana Park Pretoria, Gauteng

Permanent Make-Up Course

Full payment is required 2 weeks prior to training

Registration fee  payable R1900.00

SETA Accredited Assessor and Moderator


R24 900.00  (4 Days 10:00 - 13:00) WEEKLY TRAINING

Including full kit and training.

Kit content is available  on request.


Registration form has to be complete and fax or email to us at 086 590 5552  or jenira@advancenailtechnology.com



After complete your Permanent Make-Up case studies in  6 weeks of practice, you need to apply for Permanent Make up Theory and practical exam.

Additional amount of R1000.00 is payable on exam day.


3 x Practical exam

1 x Theory  exam


After passing your exam successfully , a Diploma will be issue out  to you.




Registration Form


General info:  Booking a course in advance is essential.  Only 2 students can be trained per course to ensure undivided attention for students in training.


The course is 4 days from 10:00 to 13:00.  As this skill is specialized and intense, we pride ourselves in ensuring that our students receive adequate time to master Permanent Make-up.


A fully comprehensive manual is provided with training including Rotary Methods, Trouble shooting, Colour Psychology, Dermatology, Administration .


Price is subject to change without prior notice


.Reg. No:  2009/031411/23   |   Cell:  076 720 7166   |   Tel:  012 548 5746   |   E-mail: jenira@advancenailtechnology.com